
Pitching & Throwing Training Aid


Pitching & Throwing Training Aid


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Skill Level: Beginner & Advanced
Focus: Pitching and Throwing

The Spin Right Spinner is a fast pitch softball training aid that was designed to teach the spins and rotations of the softball to pitchers and overhand throwers. Learn correct rotations for:

Fast Ball
Rise Ball
Drop Ball
Curve Ball
Change Up
Overhand Throw
The Spinner comes with written and online instructions to help understand how to use it to the best advantage of the athlete. Also included are numerous spinner drills, which are fully explained and demonstrated in the online instructions.


Is the size and weight of an official 12″ softball
Has two sets of molded seams on the edge to give the athlete an honest feel for the ball
Will eliminate repeated error that occurs when the athlete, coach or catcher can not see the rotation of the softball, thus making practice time more efficient
Becomes an immediate deterrent from injury helping the athlete to avoid repeating incorrect motions and movements
Provides a clear understanding of the difficult hand and wrist positions essential to throwing the rise, curve, and turnover drop ball
Teaches the proper technique of coming over the ball for the overhand throw as opposed to the side a


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